
credibility, and stupidity

Not wishing to push my credibility as a blog author beyond its limits I decided to let Google (and thusly the popular majority as I understand it) give me my topic. I searched for "stupidest thing" and was immediately disappointed.
Based on the search results you'd think our lovely little world were relatively intelligent. Most of what appeared were (whaddya know?) blog entries talking about things they thought were stupid.
Not that I disagree, they and their subjects were holistically stupid, but not in any sort of interesting way, and if not interesting, what's so interesting about writing about it?
The pictures were equally uninteresting, the first and most popular image result for "stupidest thing" was of a girl who's face had been mauled by the family dog one morning before school. Stupid, but in a tragic and horrific way. The only possibly appropriate candidate was this blandly inhumorous cartoon.
So I had to go completely elsewhere for my material, and it wasn't hard, my intuition led me straight to it with one of the stupidest things I can think of off the top of my head.
Now that's good family entertainment.

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